More questions than vision

Entrepreneurship has a lot of bright sides—

—managing your own time;

—working with clients that you like;

—being your own boss;

but, it can also be lonely.

Of course, you involve God in what you do and ask Him to guide you. But, there will probably come a time when you have more questions than a great vision for your business.

Why does God not reveal His answer?

Whether it’s a demanding client that doesn’t want to pay, a client who asks the impossible, the loss of a couple of retainer clients, or something else, it can cause you to be shaken. 

Shaken in your firm foundation.

Setbacks in business have an impact. Depending on how firm you stand, it can cause different questions.

Questions that might arise, could be these:

God, why did this happen?

How can I build more trust in the Lord’s provision?

What is this turn of events saying?

Or you might even start to question your vision. 

God, since doors are closed, do I need to change direction?

Do you want me to change the vision?

What is the vision anyways?

You pray and pray but there’s no clear answer to your questions.

This type of season—of questioning or searching your vision—is particularly difficult. Waiting is always a hard thing to do, but know that God is a God who listens (Psalm 55:16-17) and answers (Psalm 91:15). 

God is there in the waiting.

But God reveals only what needs to be revealed and in the right time and way.

4 ways God reveals vision

John Maxwell has captured four Biblical examples of how God reveals purpose or vision. God might be following the same manner for you as well.

The ways God reveals vision:

1. As a thunderbolt

Like Paul’s vision was revealed. 

Your purpose becomes clear in a moment or event instantly. Since you are in a season of unknowns and uncertainty, this is probably not the way it will happen. But you never know…

2. As walking through open doors

Like Esther.

Your vision is revealed over many years, step by step, as you capitalize on opportunities. A door is shut and a new one is opened. Like the retainer client that canceled their contract but a new client knocks on your door, perhaps one that is in a different industry.

3. As a call from birth

Like Jeremiah.

Early in your life, you have this clear idea. If you’ve always been clear about the business that you want to run, then don’t doubt it. Don’t let circumstances doubt what God has already instilled in you from birth.

4. As growing awareness

Like Joseph.

First God reveals the vision in a general sense. As you move toward it, more details will be provided. This is probably the most used manner of God. Many people know a part of the vision until a certain point is reached and more clarity is needed. Perhaps niching down is the next step, or branching out.

Don’t give up praying

These four ways of God revealing vision are good to know, but they do not solve the problem if your vision is blurry and your questions are unanswered.

It will provide some hope and comfort, but the real soother is prayer.

Regardless of whether the prayer is already answered,

pray for clarity;

pray for vision;

pray for wisdom;

pray for contentment;

pray for peace in the unknowing;

and pray for being able to continue being in business anyways.

Trust that God will come true with an answer. Maybe not to all your questions but enough to help you sharpen the vision and move toward the goal that He has in mind for you.

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