Devotional - lord, please send someone else

Lord, please send someone else. Devotional for solopreneurs.

“Now go! I will help you as you speak, and I will teach you what to say.” But Moses replied, “Please, Lord, send someone else.” – Exodus 4:12-13

Hi there,

I recently read the call of Moses in Exodus chapters three and four.

I was left with a deep appreciation for God’s amazing grace, love, and patience.
Moses had run away from Egypt and lived in the wilderness tending the flock of his father-in-law, but God had a plan to call Moses to lead the people of Israel out of slavery.
Forty years earlier, Moses tried to deliver the people in his own way and failed.

I noticed Moses’s response to God’s calling showed his fear and lack of faith in God.
Moses gave God every excuse he could think of from being insignificant, the people will not listen, I stutter when I speak to ultimately saying, “Lord, please send someone else.

How did God respond? God reassured him of His presence and equipped him with signs and even added Aaron to help him.

Fast forward to the new testament, Jesus called His first disciples Andrew and Peter, “Come, follow me.” How did they respond? “At once they left their nets and followed him.” Mark 1:18.

God is calling us to complete obedience to His plans, purpose, and call of our lives

Are you walking with God in complete obedience?
Are we willing to trust God completely when He calls us for major life changes?
For Moses, it was to leave a life of ease and comfort to a life of hard leadership. Is God calling you to do something and you keep putting it off?

Let's pray:
Heavenly Father, thank you for your written word and the encouragement it brings.
Father, we ask for your guidance over all areas of our lives so that we will live under one purpose; to follow you completely.

Trish & Team Born to Fly


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