Devotional - Who else finds prayer hard to prioritize? 🙋🏼‍♀️

READ TIME: 2 minutes

"Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you."  — Jeremiah 29:12

Dear readers,

I struggle with prioritizing prayer because I struggle with prayer itself.
I find it a difficult concept. I’d rather be able to just call God, talk to Him, and get an immediate response. 

That’s my desire: to hear directly from Him, face to face like Moses could, but that’s not happened so far.

Because we live in a time where everything is available on demand, I expect God’s answers to be, too. I am fully aware that that’s not how God communicates, but that doesn’t make praying any less hard.

It often feels like a one-way street, where I talk to God, and He quietly listens. Period.

But I want Him to be involved in my business journey.
I want His directions.
I want Him to take the lead.

And for that, prayer is of the essence.

So, over the years, I have come up with ways to make prayer time more attractive, making it easier to prioritize it. 

One of the things I introduced was journaling—I’m a writer, after all. It has been a huge help because it allows me to record things and focus on what I pray about.

I also searched for better times to talk to God, and not before the kids wake up—I just can’t, they always wake up at a different time. 

I limited distractions. For example, I canceled my Netflix account (a decision my hubby agreed with), which unlocked extra time.

There are more ways to engage in prayer, but these examples made the most impact on me. 

Still, prayer time can be a challenge. Perhaps I have alluded too much importance to the length of my prayers, the perfect quiet setting, or the desirable laser-sharp focus on the prayer moment.

Those things don’t really matter since God is always present. He is within me, guiding me in my steps. Always available, always listening. 

The only thing I need to do is make room to be able to pay attention and hear from Him.
Easier said than done, but I’m working on it .

Reader, what about you?
How do you pray?
How do you experience prayer and God’s guidance?

Send any enlightening comments or good practices to prioritize prayer my way.

Seriously, hit the reply button and share.

It’ll help me and the nearly 600 people who read this newsletter because I’ll bundle the responses and send them out.


P.S. I wrote a Bible plan on prioritizing God as a solopreneur parent—which is being read surprisingly much. If you’d like to go deeper on this subject, you can read it on YouVersion. Save it for later in your app.

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