8 alternatives to social media. Which one will you use?

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Hi Reader,

It’s finally here !
The email I promised about alternatives to social media

If you were wondering if there are ways to promote your business without the use of social media, then I have good news for you:

You can!

Of course, many people expect a social channel or two from your side, but it’s not a must

In one of my previous emails, I highlighted businesses that don’t use social media but still thrive. I also gave you 4 questions to help you evaluate whether social media marketing is worth your time

Today, I’d like to share some alternatives to social media that may be worth a try.
Or perhaps they're the right investment of your time and money.
Or perhaps God is calling you to.
Or perhaps you’re just tired of the whole social media spiel. (I get it, I’ve been there many times.)

So here we go…

The alternatives

-       Public speaking

Obviously, one does not “just” stand before a group and speak. Training and the opportunity to speak in front of the right audience are essential and take time. But so does content creation for social media. If public speaking is something that attracts you, invest in it. Create a keynote where your expertise comes forward and find networking events or smaller gatherings where you can try out public speaking. (this can also be done at online gatherings by the way)

-       Giving workshops

Organizing workshops is a great way to provide value to people. Make it practical so people will go home with a game plan, a changed mindset, or a physical product.

-       (Free) publicity in other media

You would forget about it, but there are still media like TV, radio, podcasts, magazines, blogs, etc. Many are open to guest writers or speakers as long as you have something interesting to tell. I’ve been on a couple of podcasts for example, which led to people signing up for the newsletter. You can do it too .

-       Email marketing

Email is not dead. It might be crowded in people’s inboxes but as long as people want to pay for newsletters (yes, people do), you too can reach people with free email. Make sure you stand out, whether through the content you share or the way your email is written or the subject lines you use. Email marketing works best when there’s a strategy behind it.

-       Networking on events

A good way to get to know new people is by meeting them in person. Now, I know networking events can be awkward. I’ve gone to many when I still lived in Toronto. The urge to swipe on your phone, just to look busy, is real. But go there with the mindset of being ready to help others. Don’t scan for new customers but find fellow business people who you can help (by referring to others or sharing your knowledge).

-       Organizing an event

This one takes a lot of work but can be worth your time. An event can be a gathering with a program and guest speakers, a workshop, a retreat or even a walk. The purpose of the event is up to you. Do you want to promote your business? Share knowledge? Connect people? Have people experience what you do on a small scale? Sure, part of the success of an event is the attendees, so promote it well. But when done right, it’s an impact maker .

-       Advertising

Pretty straight forward: promote your products or services in magazines, newspapers, flyers (door-to-door), podcasts, blogs, banners on websites, and so on.

-      Snail mail

I personally love this one. Since much marketing is done online nowadays, there are new opportunities to reach people by sending mail to their homes. Let your creative juices flow and surprise people in their mailboxes.

One thing to keep in mind
These are 8 options that can be powerful if executed well.  It’s up to you which strategy fits and works best for you and your business. And if social media is part of it, it will be part of it. 

The far most important thing in marketing remains to build a valuable connection with your (potential) clients and to help them, as Seth Godin says. (Author of the amazing book: This is Marketing!) Let's aim for that!

Reader, did something resonate with you in this email?
Or do you have another option that has worked for you? Let me know!

Merry Christmas!

Founder Born to Fly

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