Devotional - for the ones who are waiting for the right time

"Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap." (NIV)
Ecclesiastes 11:4


It turns out, I love chapter 11 of Ecclesiastes. Out of a couple of lessons, there were 2 that stood out for me professionally:

1. If I want to anticipate till the time is right, nothing will ever happen.

I can wait for the perfect timing, but it might never come. The wind will blow its own way, I will never know its path.
So it requires me to dive in. To jump. 
It challenges my fears.
It asks me to be brave.

What would I do if I was braver
If I would trust more in the Lord?

2. Move with a strategy.

Verse 2 talks about investing in 8, yes 8, ventures as we do not know what disaster may come upon the land. Even though this certainly applies to farming, I also see the message of strategically thinking.

Don't go in bluntly, but have a strategy for how you want to address business.
And perhaps, have a backup plan for rough times.

Offering you the Premium membership, launching the Find Your Calling program...
Honestly? I find it scary ( the kind of: let's-just-postpone-it-scary).
But I felt comforted and inspired by this Word of God. 

And I hope you do too. Whatever you may go through.

With love,

P.S. Curious about people who work with all their heart for the Kingdom? Follow Born to Fly's podcast on SpotifyGoogle, or Apple.


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