Focus: How can you be less distracted by your phone?
Born to Fly faith Born to Fly faith

Focus: How can you be less distracted by your phone?

One of the biggest distractions at work is the phone.

There’s probably a study to prove it, but do we really need to state the obvious?

As Christians, we are called to redeem our time, making the most of what we have.

Why won’t you, as a solopreneur who wants to become more Christlike, act on that by properly dealing with a distracting device such as your phone?

Let’s see how it can be done.

Tips to use your phone less

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For the insecure solopreneur
Born to Fly faith Born to Fly faith

For the insecure solopreneur

For the insecure solopreneur.

“What if everybody was like you?” a pastor asked.

If that were the case, we would have a lot of shortcomings in this world, I thought.

No matter if you are a very confident solopreneur or one who deals with insecurities often, you would probably give the same answer to that pastor’s question.

We can’t be all financial experts and have no clue about communication.

We can’t be all business coaches and leave the kids without education.

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4 tips for Tiktok
Born to Fly faith Born to Fly faith

4 tips for Tiktok

Should you be on TikTok? Alex Hitt shares several tips for TikTok and gives you the answer.

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